4 Effective Ways To Save Money On Wine Barrels

There was a time when used and neutral barrels were inexpensive. However, with the growing demand for barrel aging spirits and beer have created a bit of a logistical problem. Such high demand has made used barrels one of the most expensive products over the last seven years or so.

If you are looking for a used wine barrel, then here are a few suggestions that will make sure you get the best possible deal.

--Order barrels in partnership--

Combine your barrel order with other breweries or distilleries; you can save a lot of money on shipping. Shipping is a significant expense while ordering barrels as they are big and heavy and the shipping company only ships 6 to a pallet.

Fortunately, you can decrease the cost of shipping per barrel up to 20% to 30% by ordering in bulk. To get such a hefty discount, it is worth it to contact the breweries or distilleries in your area who are purchasing wine barrels for the sake of saving money on shipping.

Moreover, cooperages and barrel brokers will usually discount large orders, so it is better to combine the orders with other businesses.

--Cut out the middleman--

This suggestion may sound weird as it is coming from someone who works at a company that often works as a middleman in barrel deals, but the fact is that not many brokers buy barrels directly from wineries or distilleries.

Many times brokers buy the wine barrels from another broker. It means that you have to markup fees twice instead of once. Moreover, barrels change hands as much as three times before they reach you which is a needless task that leads to higher beer and spirits prices, that nobody wants.

If you can justify buying truckload quantities of barrels all by yourself, then it is worth contacting a winery or two to eliminate the middleman, but this tip you won’t hear it from me.

--Shop for refurbished barrels--

Breweries and distilleries that are in the market for wine barrels are capable of removing tannins to beer or spirits by roasting the barrels at the right temperature.

You can save a lot of money by purchasing rejuvenated barrels rather than new ones.

--Buy and fix furniture grade wine barrels--

Furniture grade wine barrels are cheap which can be purchased and repaired to hold wine, spirits or beer. You can learn about barrel repairing through videos online which are a useful tool for training purposes and DIY guides.

The initial learning curve may be time-consuming and require a trial and error approach, but learning barrel repair is an excellent way of saving money for craft breweries and distilleries.

Rocky Mountain Barrel Company located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado offers wine barrels for sale online. They offer a wide range of old used wine barrels. Connect with them and get a great quote now!


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